Privacy Policy

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#5-2-10 Hokima, Adachi-ku, Tokyo

Privacy Policy

In order to strictly prevent use of personal information for purposes other than what is required, we have established various operational procedures and conduct internal audits within the company to ensure the protection of our clients’ personal information.

Regarding the Handling of Personal Information

Regarding the Handling of Personal Information
Tokyo Express uses personal information that you have provided only for the following purposes in order to protect the said personal information which is managed with the utmost care. There may be times when the said personal information is entrusted to outside parties and at those times a contract for that purpose is signed with the outside party to ensure proper management of the said information. We will not provide personal information to a third party without your consent.

Purpose of Use
1. In reply to a request from the customer for an estimate
2. To ensure smooth execution of the move and to provide related services
3. For new services, product development and improvements; as well as their introduction
4. In response to comments or requests from the customer
5. When it becomes necessary to contact the customer for any other reason

Personal Information Manager
Customer Representative
Tokyo Express Co., Ltd.
5-2-10, Hokima, Adachi-ku, Tokyo 121-0064

Handling of Personal Information
We use information to distinguish individuals (hereafter referred to as “Personal Information”) for the following purposes.
Please refer to the Policy for Protecting Personal Information (Tokyo Express’ Personal Information Protection Policy) for details regarding the protection of personal information.