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#5-2-10 Hokima, Adachi-ku, Tokyo


Area 357,031km2 (16 states)
Capital City BERLIN
Time difference -8hour
Currency EURO
ー Living information
Transportation includes buses, subways, electric railways, taxis, and trains (East Berlin), and buses buy tickets for drivers. If you have a Days driver's license, you can drive if you have an international driver's license issued.If you live for more than a year, you must have your driver's license issued. In many cases, credit cards cannot be used except in large department stores and large sales floors.

* Electricity and frequency: 220V / 50HZ PAL system or MULTI SYSTEM
ー Customs clearance information
Requirements Citizenship, permanent residence, employment, study abroad VISA. Customs clearance is possible without customs duty if customs clearance is done within one year after entering Japan.
Customs documents Passport, VISA, B / L, PACKING LIST, rental contract, transfer notice, employment certificate
Shipping information
Region Name Shipping Days Voyage Days Customs Days Delivery Days
HAMBURG 7−10Days 12−20Days 10Days
Others In the case of car customs clearance, taxes are high and customs clearance is strict. FREE TIME in GERMANY is 4 Days and the warehouse fee is high, so you have to prepare the documents before arriving at PORT.


Area 17,075,200Km2 (21 republics, 6 regions, 49 states, 1 autonomous region, 10 autonomous regions, 2 cities)
Capital City MOSKVA
Time difference MOSKVA -6hour、VLADIVOSTOK +1hour
Currency Ruble (RUB)
ー Living information
Winter is 6 months and it is extremely cold and there are many snowy days. Buses, electric buses, trains, and electric railways in Moscow are popular means of transportation. There are taxis, but the fare is high and the number is small.

* TV / VIDEO method: SECAM / PAL method
* Electrical system: 220V / 50HZ
ー Customs clearance information
Requirements Citizenship, permanent residence, business VISA, singular 3 months VISA. However, in the case of 3 months VISA, apply for VISA renewal after arriving in Moscow.
Customs documents Passport copy (3 copies), VISA copy (3 copies), company LETTER PAPER (3 copies), residence registration card (1 copy), original power of attorney (1 original, 2 copies) VISA is multiple VISA and requires an expiration date of 3 months or more after the container arrives.
Shipping information
Region Name Shipping Days Voyage Days Customs Days Delivery Days
MOSCOVA 7−10Days 12−20Days 10Days 3Days
Others RUSSIA will randomly inspect and tax your moving baggage.
Inspections are classified into three categories: document inspection, sampling inspection, and total quantity inspection.
1) Document inspection: X-RAY inspection, REWEIGHTING, inspection only on documents. Inspection fee about $ 800
2) Sampling inspection: X-RAY inspection, REWEIGHTING, document inspection, cargo OPEN (30-50%) inspection. The percentage of OPEN varies depending on the customs officer. 30% (inspection fee $ 1,000- $ 1,200), 50% (inspection fee $ 1,300- $ 1,500)
3) Total inspection: X-RAY, REWEIGHTING, document inspection, cargo OPEN (100%) inspection, inspection fee $ 1,800- $ 2,300 will be incurred. For musical instruments, the manufacturer name, model number, and a photo of the musical instrument are required.
The manufacturer name, model number, and model name are required for electronic products and exercise equipment.


Area 244,820Km2 (4 administrative areas)
Capital City LONDON
Time difference -9hour
Currency Pound (GBP)
ー Living information
General taxis can be boarded after the driver agrees by saying the destination before boarding. The passenger seat cannot be seated, but up to 5 people can ride in the back. In addition to the basic fare, an additional charge will be incurred for each passenger, and additional charges will be incurred at night and on weekends. As with the Days book, parking violations, speed violations, traffic lights, drunk driving, etc. are strictly controlled on the left side. A driver's license is valid for the rest of your life, but it is difficult to obtain.

* TV, VIDEO method: PAL method
* Electrical system: 240V / 50HZ
ー Customs clearance information
Requirements Duty-free customs clearance is possible regardless of VISA such as short-term VISA, citizenship, permanent residence, etc.
Customs documents Passport, visa, B / L, PACKING LIST, C3FORM
Shipping information
Region Name Shipping Days Voyage Days Customs Days Delivery Days
LONDON 7−10Days 30Days 7Days 3Days
Others In the case of moving luggage, 70% or more are inspected and there are various types, but generally there are three types.
RUTE 1 inspection: Document inspection / No inspection fee X-RAY inspection / Inspection to pass the container to the X-RAY machine, the cost is GBP50 RUTE 6 inspection: If an abnormality is found after passing through X-RAY, open the container and inspect.
Vehicles are tax exempt for diplomats but taxable for the general public.


Area 301,230Km2 (15 states, 5 autonomous regions)
Capital City ROME
Time difference -7hour
Currency Euro (EUR)
ー Living information
For buses, subways, and trains, purchase and use tickets at the TABACCHI store and newspaper counter. You can change trains and buses.

*TV, VIDEO method: PAL method
*Electrical system: 220V / 50HZ
ー Customs clearance information
Requirements Duty free customs clearance is very strict at ITALIANA. A residence certificate (RESIDENZA) is required for duty-free customs clearance, and the application for a residence certificate must be completed before the luggage arrives at the port. In addition, tax exemption is applied only to customs clearance luggage within 6 months after learning.
Customs documents Passport, RESIDENZA, customs declaration documents (sent from local agency), ITALIANA personal taxpayer number (CODICE FISCALE)
Shipping information
Region Name Shipping Days Voyage Days Customs Days Delivery Days
ROME 7−10Days 30Days 12-18Days
MILANO 7−10Days 30Days 12-18Days
Others You must enter the country before customs clearance of your luggage. Please check that customs clearance is not possible for home appliances without the CE certification mark. Chopsticks are not sold, so you should take them with you.


Area 547,030 Km2
Capital City PARIS
Time difference -8hour
Currency Euro (EUR)
ー Living information
It rains a lot, so you need a waterproof coat. Transportation includes subways, buses, taxis, and trains, and subways and buses must have a ticket until you get off. Since the majority of the people are Catholic, there are Catholic rituals in social life.
ー Customs clearance information
Requirements Duty-free customs clearance is possible regardless of VISA such as short-term VISA, citizenship, permanent residence, etc.
Customs documents Copy of passport (photo & signature), VISA, B / L, PACKING LIST, rental contract, EDF / GDF Recent Receipts (Electricity and Telephone Charge Receipts), Enrollment Certificates, Employment Contracts
Shipping information
Region Name Shipping Days Voyage Days Customs Days Delivery Days
PARIS 10Days 30Days 5Days 3Days
Others Documents required for customs clearance are required to have a vehicle registration certificate (REGISTRATION CERTIGICATE OF CAR) in English and a vehicle owner certificate (OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE), and advance reservations for inspection are required at the time of customs clearance. When the tax exemption approval form (VRIJSTELLING) is issued, import customs clearance will be carried out. Tax exemption is possible. Due to the housing structure of FRANCAISE, even if there is an elevator, it is small, so there are many places that cannot be used for transporting moving luggage.