Middle East Africa

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#5-2-10 Hokima, Adachi-ku, Tokyo


Area 1,219,090Km2 (administrative districts of 9 states)
Time difference -7hour
Currency RAND
ー Living information
South Africa's key cities are connected by the Transnet rail network, but taxi and buzz public transport is underdeveloped.

* TV / VIDEO method: PAL method
* Electrical system: 220-250V50HZ
ー Customs clearance information
Requirements Working, studying abroad, retirement VISA, diplomat
Customs documents Passport, VISA, customs declaration, bill of lading, PACKING LIST. Only customs baggage within 6 months after entry is accepted. It is limited to one sea mail and one air mail.
Shipping information
Region Name Shipping Days Voyage Days Customs Days Delivery Days
JOHANNESBURG 7−10Day 25−30Day 10-14Day
Others Customs clearance is not possible unless immigration confirmation is obtained before customs clearance. If it takes hours for customs clearance, the storage fee is high. In the case of sea mail, you can eat as much food as you want, but you cannot clear customs by air mail.


Area 83,600Km2 (7 EMIRATES)
Capital City ABU DHABI
Time difference -5hour
Currency UAE Dirham (AED)
ー Living information
Holiday Day is Friday Day and the week starts on Saturday Day. The main means of transportation is taxi. The road is on the right side. During Ramadan, all cafeterias will be closed before Day's death. During this period, even foreigners are not allowed to smoke, eat or drink in public places.

* TV / VIDEO method: PAL method
* Electrical system: 220V / 50HZ
ー Customs clearance information
Requirements Working VISA, Diplomat VISA ・ Customs documents Passport, VISA, Power of Attorney, B / L, PACKING LIST
Shipping information
Region Name Shipping Days Voyage Days Customs Days Delivery Days
DUBAI 7−10Day 16−27Day 8-10Day
ABU DABI 7−10Day 25−30Day 8-10Day
Others All moving luggage will be inspected, but CDs, DVDs, VIDEO TAPEs, etc. will be 100% unpacked, so it is better to pack them together. If it is new, it will be taxed and the tax rate will be 5%.