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#5-2-10 Hokima, Adachi-ku, Tokyo


Area 9,826,630Km2 (50のState & 1(District of Columbia) Washington D.C
Capital City Washington D. C.
Time difference LA -17hour NY -14hour CHICAGO -15hour
Currency Dollar
- Living information
In large cities, mass traffic is well developed, but in small cities it is inconvenient to live without a car.
LA: It's a living culture of private cars because it's a large area and it's impossible to move by mass traffic.
NY: Subways and buses are well developed, and mass transportation is generally used to reach downtown.
- Customs clearance information
Requirements All those who have VISA for more than 1 year are exempt from tax. Those who have citizenship or permanent residence are exempt from tax if they have lived in the Days book for 12 months or more.
Customs documents 1) If you have a VISA for 1 year or more, a copy of your passport (photo: sharp enough to select the face) If you are accompanied by a spouse or children, prepare for all. Prepare a copy of VISA (clear enough to select the face), spouse, and if accompanied by children, prepare for all. 3299FORM (Customs documents in the United States) SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION FORM. * If you have a SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, fill it out. POWER OF ATTORNEY
2) For permanent residence and citizenship holders, a certificate of residence of 12 months or more in the country of residence, POWER OF ATTORNEY, US CUSTOM FORM3299, SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION.
Shipping information
Region Name Shipping Days Voyage Days Customs Days Delivery Days
LA 7−10Days 12−15Days 7Days 3Days
CICAGO 7−10Days 12−15Days 7Days 7Days
Others Customs unpacking inspection rate-Inspection fee incurred * 100% inspection in port area * After X-ray inspection in port area, BOX unpacking inspection is performed depending on the situation, and OPEN EXAM inspection is performed while checking the contents.
If you do not have contact information after entering Japan, you will be charged and may be transported. Please contact us for storage after customs clearance.


Area 1,972,550Km2 (31 states & 1 federal district)
Capital City MEXICO CITY
Time difference -15hour
Currency Mexican Peso (MXN)
ー Living information
The subway is well developed and the price is reasonable. It is convenient to use because the facilities on the long-distance bus are well-equipped and the routes are wide. Foreigners cannot take out medical insurance, so a prescription is required when purchasing medicine.

* TV, VIDEO method: NTSC system
* Electrical system: 100V / 60HZ
ー Customs clearance information
Requirements Customs clearance possible VISA: FM2, FM3 (Validity period is 3 months or more for non-Mexican foreigners)
Customs documents Passage ticket (which can identify photos with a validity period of 6 months or more), O, B / L, PACKING LIST, customs delegation form, customs declaration, pledge (for prohibited items)
Shipping information
Region Name Shipping Days Voyage Days Customs Days Delivery Days
MEXICO CITY 7−10Days 12−20Days 7Days
Others Of course, if you do not have the customs documents in place, you will not be able to clear the customs. Customs warehouse charges and shipping company container costs will be incurred 5 days after arrival at the local port. Mexican customs will carry out a 100% inspection before customs clearance.


Area 9,984,670 Km2 (10 states, 3 territories)
Capital City OTTAWA
Time difference VANCOVER -17hour TORONTO -14hour
Currency Canadian dollar (CAD)
ー Living information
Bus and subway lines are well developed and easy to use. In the case of a bus, you can change as many times as you like within the limited hour with one ticket. When changing trains, ask the driver for TRANSFER. Subways are available in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Calgary. Tickets can be purchased at the counter near the ticket gate or at an unmanned vending machine. It is safer and has a better educational environment than the United States.
ー Customs clearance information
Requirements Tax exemption customs clearance is possible for those who have been issued a study abroad, working, or permanent residence VISA. If you have citizenship, submit a Days book or a certificate of residence in a third country for at least one year. Customs clearance: Within 1 year after obtaining VISA for working or studying abroad, and within 6 months after entering Japan for permanent residence VISA.
Customs documents A. copy of the passport (clear enough to identify the face)
B. PACKING LIST, B4FORM (List of luggage to be transferred to Canada) Canadian nationals, permanent residents and new immigrants who have lived in the Days book for one year or more must prepare and declare.Please enter the item of the baggage to be sent (in English) and the declared amount (Canada dollar) in the FORM (please do not set the declared amount to zero). For the personal computer, enter the manufacturer name, year, manufacturer name, and model number.

Separate shipment declaration form: If you enter Yes in the I / We have shipping goods which are not accompanying me / field in the Immigration Card (Costoms Declaration Card) that you filled out at the time of entry, you will be able to declare the separate shipment. Customs Form B4E (Personal Accountion Doument)Others Customs Declaration Form (prepared by us) * Additional documents may be required depending on the customs clearance area.
Shipping information
Region Name Shipping Days Voyage Days Customs Days Delivery Days
VANCOUVER 7−10Days 15Days 10Days 3Days
TORONTO 7−10Days 20Days 10Days 3Days
HALIFAX 7−10Days 30Days 10Days 3Days
Others Customs attendance: You must attend the designated customs office and complete customs clearance regardless of the declaration at the airport. If customs documents are not prepared, they will be stored in the security warehouse within 40 days from the arrival days, but a storage fee will be charged. After that, it will be discarded or returned. If you are a Canadian national or a permanent resident of re-entry, you will be taxed if you do not have proof of residence in that country for more than one year. Unpacking inspection rate 5% (high inspection rate when moving or returning to Japan)


Area 8,511,965Km2 / 26 states and 1 federal district
Capital City Brasília
Time difference -11hour
Currency Brazilian Real (BRL)
ー Living information
There are buses, subways, sleeper buses, etc. as means of transportation, but due to security issues, foreigners mainly use taxis and airmail. Since Brazil is an immigrant country, you can come in contact with various foods of various races and local characteristics.

* TV / VIDEO method: PAL-M method * Electrical system: Brasilia 220V, Sao Paulo-110V used
ー Customs clearance information
Requirements Study abroad, working, diplomat VISA resident for more than 1 year
Customs documents Passport, VISA, E-TICKET copy. Only customs baggage within 6 months after entering Japan is accepted as moving baggage. It takes 1 to 3 weeks for customs clearance. Storage fee is incurred in units of 15 days.
Shipping information
Region Name Shipping Days Voyage Days Customs Days Delivery Days
SAN PAURO 7−10Days 30−40Days 14−28Days
RIO DE JANEIRO 7−10Days 28−44Days 14−28Days
Others For electrical appliances, the manufacturer name, model, and serial number must be entered. You can send your moving baggage up to the second time, but you must also submit the second PACKING LIST when you send it the first time. The customs inspection rate is 50-80% for sea mail and 100% for air mail. Only one is exempt from tax for each type of electrical products, personal computers (excluding desktop personal computer 1 and laptop personal computer 1), and the rest are taxable. Golf sets, sporting goods and pianos are highly taxable and may be interpreted differently by customs officials. The tax rate is about 50% of the appraisal price.