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#5-2-10 Hokima, Adachi-ku, Tokyo


Area 268,680Km2 (16 states & 1 territory)
Time difference +3
Currency New Zealand dollar (NZD)
ー Living information
Public transportation is vulnerable and you can drive with a foreign driver's license for one year from the date of first entry,After a year, you must have a New Zealand driver's license to drive. Vehicles are on the left side.

* TV / DVD system: Since TV is a PAL B / G system, it cannot be used unless it is a MULTI system. DVD is also PAL system.
* Washing machine: Since the drainage pipe is attached to the wall, it is necessary to connect the drainage pipe.
* Electrical system: 230 / 240V, 50HZ.
ー Customs clearance information
Requirements Those who have permanent residence can do multiple customs clearance within 5 years, but after 5 years, they will be eligible for duty-free customs clearance only if they have stayed in Japan for 21 months or more. (Submit reason) ・ Long-term business & working VISA: VISA with an expiration date of 1 year or more is tax-free customs clearance.
Customs documents Passport, VISA, Customs Preparation Documents (UNACCOMPANIED PERSONAL BAGGAGE DECLARATION), PACKING LIST, B / L
Shipping information
Region Name Shipping Days Voyage Days Customs Days Delivery Days
AUCKLAND 7−10Day 19Day 7-10Day 7Day
Others Please be careful about products with soil such as golf clubs, bicycles, fishing gear, tents, inline skates, and products made of wood.
It can be quarantined.The quarantine inspection fee is basically NZ $ 250, and disinfection and cleaning costs may be incurred.


Area 7,692,024Km2 (6 states and 2 direct control districts)
Canberra City WELLINGTON
Time difference +2
Currency Australian Dollar(AUD)
ー Living information
Mass transportation such as subways and buses is developing. The driver's seat of the car is on the right side and the traffic is on the left side.

* TV / VIDEO method: PAL method
* Electrical system: 240V / 50HZ outlet has 3 holes.
ー Customs clearance information
Requirements Citizenship, permanent residence, and diplomat Visa are tax-free customs clearance, but study abroad Visa is taxable. Customs clearance is not possible for tourism and short-term student VISA (less than 2 years).
Customs documents Passport, VISA, Customs Preparation Documents (UNACCOMPANIED PERSONAL EFFCTS STATEMENT), PACKING LIST, B / L
Shipping information
Region Name Shipping Days Voyage Days Customs Days Delivery Days
SYDNEY 7−10Day 17Day 5Day 7Day
MELBOURNE 7−10Day 21Day 5Day 7Day
Others Shoes, bicycles, inline skates, etc. are 100% quarantined, and if there is soil, disinfection and cleaning fees will be incurred.