平素より格別のご支援を賜り厚く御礼申し上げます。 当社は長年にわたり海外引越、国内引越、貨物保管、通関業務等に携わって参りましたが、 これからもすべての信頼に応え、付加価値の高い効率的なサービスを真心込めてお届けしてまいりますので、 暖かいご理解とご支援をお願い申し上げます。
We promise to provide the highest level of support at all times. Our company has many years of experience in international and domestic moving, storage, and customs dealings. We ask for your support and understanding, and will continue to honor your trust by offering sincere and efficient service.
熙浦引越しは 2015 年に設立され、本社は中国の上海にあります。
Nishiura Moving was established in 2015 and is headquartered in Shanghai, China. To date, we have provided international transport services to meet a wide variety of diverse needs, covering 100 countries around the world, and are able to meet a wide range of diversifying logistics demands.
We have accumulated a wealth of industry resources and experience in the international logistics business in general, and we offer comprehensive services in areas related to our customers' logistics, including high value-added services.